Emile Lahoud's answer:
Fogh the moment, we cannot know if .. euh.. the egg came fighst or not.. but believe me, I can assughe u that all the lebanese aghe togethegh ..euh they all want to know the tghuth because they aghe united. I can also gaghantee that hezballa did not hide the egg, and they will coopeghate, believe me, with the goveghnment to ghun after the chicken ... so fighst, euhh... we have to catch them, and then, we can talk and negotiate.
Michel Aoun's answer:
Enno halla2 tniyyeh leich aam te7chrouneh bi heik sou2al? leich aam tithajjamo 3leyna wa ka anno né7na khatafna el bayda aw akalna el djéjeh? ma32oul raskon 3am tis2alo heik sou2al? aslan 75% min el bayd ra7 biysir djeij...25% biy dallo sisan, bass wa7do el DICK biysir ra2iss joumhouriyeh! lol
Haifa Wehbe's answer:
As for me I do not know too much about chicken, I'm more interested in eggs and I'm very sensitive to it! For me one egg is never enough...mmm...but with 2? hummm... I'm satisfied, oh yeah!
Hawa chicken's answer:
It doesn't matter to us which came first the egg or the chicken, but the most important thing is, at the end, all eggs will become chickens... and all will be slaughtered in our factories!
Nabih Berri's answer:
aba3refish! IDA BET RIDOU! haida sou2eil baddo yitjewab 3lay 3a tawilet el 7iwar!
Abou antar's answer:
Eh tidrabou kilkon 3ala heik sou2al! had sou2al ma byinsa2al; chinno malo la fakaha wala maziyeh!, ma kan afdal tis2alou masalan ya3ni:Abou aantar byakol 3al tirwi2a; kartountein beid? aw tlat djajat? mou kan afdal? eh bili tistirkon sater! tidrabou!
Samir Geagea's answer:
I wish that chicken came first ! But during all the 11 years in prison, only eggs were served first and last!
Neil Armstrong's answer:
What do you mean by that question? Of course I came first... and the whole world knows about it. It was the Apolo 11 mission in 1969!
Jad Choueiri's answer:
Since I was very young, my only dream was to become a pop star and to sing in front of lot of people. The first time I was on stage, all I remember is that eggs came first to me... ON me! ... And after that it rained tomatos! Please change the question.
John Lennon's answer:
Imagine all the chickens came first in peace in the strawberry fields, and they were all free as the bird.
The pope's answer:
Ah...for this question I will leave God to answer it.
Zinedine Zidane's answer:
Ben, s'ils sont italiens on fait comme ça: y a kas donner un coup de boule à la poule; si la poule se met à pondre, donc c la poule... sinon, on peut toujours choutter l'oeuf; s'il s'écrase, c la poule; mais c... baan on va pas polémiquer! En tout cas, les deux, c des racistes!
Dana Halabi's answer:
"Ana Dana ana dandan"...so I bet you know me by now, don't you?, cause my song is familiar more than me...he he he. Concerning your question,I think chicken came first because eggs don't make sex...do they?
The Bible's answer:
If you believe in the Bible, the chicken came first. "And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. And God said, 'Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven'." Genesis 1:19-20. Chickens are a type of fowl, so the Christian Bible says that chickens came first.
Caroline haddad's answer:
I don't care which one ,el mohem ndal nekol eggs and chicken
Saad Hariri's answer:
Nihna ka tayyar moustakbal biy himna el 7a2i2a...euh...li anno hada sou2al min domen sala7iyat lijnét el ta72i2 el dawliyé...euh...w zay ma 2olna ni7na ma3 el djaj awwalan...euh...3afwan ma3 Loubnan awwalan,bass min ba3ed ma saret osset influwanza el touyour...euh... battalna nit3amal ma3 el djaj...euh... rakkazna aktar 3al beid, li anno moughazi w moufid...euh...w ashal nit3amal fiyo,wel ahham bi hada el mawdou3 killo inno ndal zay abel... "akline el baida wel ichri" ta3ita!
Fouad Siniora's answer:
Zay ma biy2oul m3almi...
Shakespeare's answer:
To come or not to come, that is the question.
David Copperfield's answer:
As for me, I do not have a problem: I can make any of them come first!
Feirouz's answer:
Ana 3adatan ma bjéwib 3a heik as2ileh bala to3meh!w sakhifeh!? bass "ideich kan fi nass" kanit natra 7ata i7ki...aw iktob el jaweib 3al 7awr el 3atik...ta7et el 3arichi ...aw 3a ramel el tari2! bass tikram 3aynkon ya "whichcame1st.com" hal marra ra7 jéwib w khalli sawti yousal 3al chamess ...w 3al ri7... la matra7 ma byou2af el zaman...w jawebeh houwé ehh... mmm...dakhilkoun mich 7ajal sannine, ija ablon tnaynéton!?
Ghandi's answer:
Whichever came first, both must have come peacefully.
Adolf Hitler's answer:
Chicken of course.. oldest species to walk the earth. I put millions of them on fire in mass camps... unfortunately, there were still some survivors in Europe, and the Middle East.
Jacques Chirac's answer:
Mes Chers compatriotes,
Comme j'ai un peu de temps devant moi je m'étais dis que se soite l'oeuf qui vaincre ou que se soite la poule le seul candidat qui soite présidenciable aux élections 2007: c'est moittte...!
Joe Hammam's answer:
iza min 3ahed sayyedna nou7, chiken came first.
Elie Rached's answer:
Sadi2eh leik, iza baddak ti7keh 3ilmiyan el djejeh ijet 2abel!
Joseph Stalin's answer:
The rooster
Walid Jounblat's answer:
Ya kerd! Djéjé! mish djéjé? mbala djéjé...Mbéri7 kinna bayda! mish bayda? mbala bayda...ya kerd...! Ana shou kilet? djéjé? la2 3aynee hiyé bayda! ba3dena 3ayni ana baddi is2alak, dakhlak kam kar3a fi bi hay el soura, wi7di walla tnein? khallina nis2al el saiid 7asan khalli yjewibna...ila ayn!
GOOOOGLE's answer:
According to our search results, the keyword Egg returns 110,000,000 answers whereas the keyword chicken returns 141,000,000 answers. Therefore, we can say, without any doubt possible and with a relevancy of 99.99878% that the chicken came in the first place.
Bono's answer:
Whichever ever came first, neither the chicken nor the egg will suffer of the poverty. I will make poverty history for the egg and also the chicken.
Abu el Abed's answer:
Walla abou 3afif allé inno l bayda btéjé abol, olna tamem heik l torwee2a betseer 7adra wel ghada byéjé ba3den w iza la2! 3al 3al, mnotrawwa2 foul w mnétghadda emm l abed. Hehehehe... Aslan bel ahwe serna 3am nbee3 beid b awirmeh, wlak eh eh, b ahwetna, ahwet l 2ojez (=2zez), shou olto? Mro2o, tollo :)
Nadim Mhanna's answer:
A3ezé2na el mouchéhidine, fina nchouf enno el aerodynamisme bi formit el bayda bet khaliya smooth aktar 3al zefét, hiyyeh w 3am tékrouj nzoul... hal chi ... biya3té autonomie akbar lal bayda, w understeering w oversteering a2al 3al kwe3...
Amma l djejeh, fal mou7arrek taba3a bi indifé3 ejreya el tnen byaatiya suspension sebteh, w tos7i7 bi khatt el masar iza charadit...
Which came first and won the podium ? el jaweib bi 7al2it Télé-Auto el jom3a el jeyé,téb3ouna.
Grognon's answer:
Moi ... je n'aime pas les oeufs !
Omar Karami's answer:
Ya3neh bel 7a2i2aaaaaaaa, ne7na ilnéloun inno el bayda ijet bel awwal... bass ma baddoun! Lizalikaaaaa ad3ou ila istikalat al 7oukoumahh .....
Noah's answer:
Of course chicken came first... I put it myself in the ark, and at that time, we were not accepting egg couples to go on board.
Pierre Gemayel's answer:
Bi hemmna el naw3iyyeh mouch el kammiyyeh... el djejeh ahamm men el bayda, el djejeh masi7iyyeh men lebnen! el bayda ma khel2et ba3ed ta na3ref eza meselmeh aw masi7iyyeh... bet 7eb lebnen? 7eb djejo!
Rayess Bek's answer:
Chou hal sou2al chou? w inta mfakkar hallak chou? cha3b hmarrrr... We2fit hayeté bi hal no2ta! mennon btetla3 hararté! ana men beirut, jeyé men beirut, w ekhir hammé iza el bayda men beirut aw el djejé men beiruuuuut... jeyé men BAYROUUUT ana men BAYROUTTT bi hal madiné fik terba bi hal madiné fik tmout! Bayda aw djejé, chou hal khabriyé? ma hada 3endo adiyé, kelkon sat7iyé, metel aflem el mexikiyé, inta w djejtak w 3am ekht set jed okht li khalafouk 3ala jed ekht set akhou li basarouk. Hal mawadi3 sakar rassé, sort 3am bi di3 ...bi damro hayetna hek, ma hada byes2al chou bek! Ma musique j'roule avec, wlik essmé Rayess Bek, w iza mech 3ejbak fik trouh ten*** !!!!
Gollum's answer:
"Hmmm i see, the chicken ? the egg ? its MINE !!! its alll for meeeeeeee !!!! i'll gets the answer, i will gets it, you'll see...it's MINE !!!
Popeye's answer:
*laughs* Egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg.....!
Georges W Bush's answer:
U asked a question, and i will answer if u don't mind... u most understand that i'm a war president who promotes peace and freedom... listen no one cares about chicken and eggs more than i do, but what i'm telling u is that it's gonna require big security measures and we r working on security measures... what u should be angry about is that there was a brutal dictator there in iraq that had destroyed lives and put them in mass graves and had weapons of mass destruction, he posed a threat that the united nations voted unanimously for me to promote democraty in the world... this is why i'm going to slaughter all the chicken and smash all the eggs so that both the chiken and eggs be able to live in peace and freedom in the new democratic world...
Capitaine Haddock's answer:
Oser poser une question pareille?! Mille millions de mille sabords de tonnere de Brest! Qui pense encore a ca? Especes de Bachi-bouzouks, bougres de cornichons, violents, hypocrites, ornithorynques, concierges, barbares, goinfres, gros-plein-de-soupe, va-nu-pieds, pirates, ectoplasmes, sangliers, pachydermes, philantropes, autocrates, profiteurs... euh... sauvages!!!!
Kurt Cobain's answer:
I wish I was like you, easily amused... What's that damn question?! It smells like teen spirits! I hate myself and I wanna die!!!! I don't care about chickens and eggs as long as they come as they are, as they were, as I want them to be... Don't eat chicken, but it's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings..... What else should I write, I don't have the right!
Mariah Carey's answer:
"Ayyyyy giv' my Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll , to have just one more Egg with youuuuuuhouuuuu." Well, euhm... as long as the Chiken is "Emancipated" ... who cares !
Oprah Winfrey's answer:
Now hear me here sisters, it don matter which came first, egg or chicken, s'long as people finally admit it was african-american! weeeeewwwwww!! (clap-clap, give out free books,free laptops, go home take off tons of make-up)
Iznogood's answer:
J'espère bien que ce soit la poule; je la prendrais au mage de Baghdad pour la transformer en poule magique, ansi, elle pondra des oeufs en or en quantité, et je deviendrais riche... ensuite, je confisquerais toutes les poules du sultanat... et je les fais empaler. Le calife n'aura plus d'omelette au petit-déjeuner, alors il mourra... et je serais CALIFE A LA PLACE DU CALIFE !