Tuesday, October 31, 2006

it make me angry

it makes me angry saying goodbye to my best matey going back to lebanon.
it makes me angry to think of her going back home at this time...
she so needs a better life and better country ...
beirut ....
beirut , you are deceiving people...

you really makes us miss you

you are this great city that has nothing to offer

you offer unemployment
high rates of depression
and useless useless boring stupid politics...


wake up you silly little place
wake up...
wake up and smell the coffee...
smell your beautiful little arabic coffee
that tells us all our secrets

wake up from the darknes of ignorance
yes you are ignorant ...

who are you beirut in london?
do you think you even exist when the system exists ?

you are chaos
you are unemployment
you are depression

you are the beiruti sunnies and the beirutie druzes, and the shia and the maronites and the catholics and the orthodox ...

you are everyone degenerate

wake up and see who are your people...

your people love you

your people want you for them only...

give them work

give them love ...at least 10% of what they give you so you see how much everbody will be happy to go back...

i want to go back ....

but do you appreciate me beirut? 10% the way i appreciate you ? at least 10% ...

i love you

goodnight ya beirut ...

and hope my friend lands safe in your arms ...treat her well and let her want to be back to you

ya beirut...

ya now me blaming beirut the city as if it is not the people who make the place

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i am losing it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this post