Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Olmert apologizes to Germany's Merkel for Lebanon plane incident

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert phoned German Chancellor Angela Merkel Sunday to apologize for the incident that took place last week between Israel Air Force planes and a German naval vessel off the coast of Lebanon. Olmert made the call to strengthen Merkel's position, government sources in Jerusalem said. The sources added that Merkel had been been roundly criticized by her political opposition, which is against the deployment of troops in Lebanon due to the risk to German forces, as well as the risk of impairing the special relationship between Germany and Israel.

read article>>>


Anonymous said...

At least Olmert has the decency to apologize for an accidental incident.

When will Ahmenijad apologize for enying the Holocaust even occurred?

There will be peace in the Middle East when Muslim religious leaders can apologize for inciting many terrorists to kill many innnocent foreigners. Muslim leaders. Stop hate education.

Anonymous said...

it is Israel who taught us hate and not to apologize , we the arab nation , some of us at least , like some of the israelis , want peace , we want peace ... we do not want war ... i do not give a flying F&*&^( about anyone excet in Lebanon... Ahmadinejad and your holocust is the last of my worries in a time where we r in 2006 and we are still fighting on recognising things and not recognizng other things... Israel then should come and build up our lives that they shattered over 30 years when ahmadinejad did not exist ... We are not receiving hate education , we are receiving hate letters from you guys...
do not generalise and please do try to think peacefully. ...
you will see that only with peace something will move towards respect and good living in this region. Israel will never rest if they do not give us a bit of air to breath and a clean sea to swim in... Israel is nasty and that is what we learn from their behaviour.

it is not a big deal israel apologises to GERMANY!!! it is about time they do because of all the money and humiliation they pushed all of germany into for years... they are still making germany pay!!! a tiny apology on bombing german ships is not a big deal. the real apology is for the lebanese people and what you did to them . xxx

Anonymous said...

Like you said there is people in israel that want peace, and there is arabs people who wants peace.
but you talk here in generalization.
israel didn't fight with itself for all this years, someone fight with them.
arabs also need to build up our lives that they shattered over 60 years and more, before 67 border, before shaba farms, before even 48 borders...accept this, if all the israeli are murders so are the arabs.
and yes there is a lot of hate in your edication on israel, I hear a lot of arabs that in their school they learned that the jews are pigs and stuff, and when they saw israeki person they were in shock. in israel we don't teach things like this.
see the facts in 48 the arabs start the war, in 56 they sended terrorists to attack israel cevilians, in 73-war, in munich twice, in 82 they shooted on us from your country, all the buses, pubs resturants, the poor children they killed, now, you like it or not, hezbolla start this are not such an angels like you show yourself ...but this is not the point...we want peace like you do.
all what I saying here is that nothing is perfect and nothing is "nasty", we are all human-israeli too...

for the holocaust issue
-"it is not a big deal israel apologises to GERMANY!!! it is about time they do because of all the money and humiliation they pushed all of germany into for years... "
the money that you talks on, goes only to holocaust survivors and not to israel or anybody else.
this is not just people...this is people who lost all their family,property and their money..some of them were very rich.
My grandfather lost all his family in Vina, his home, his friends, his degrees...
Germany know this and they paid on this in proud, not only to jews...stop to talk on things that you don't know.
you want apology on what israel did to you? fine...but I want from you apology on what your hezbolla, that sit in your parlament and 50% from your country support on it, did to my friend that didn't do then nothing.