Monday, December 18, 2006

Israel's "New Middle East"

Tanya Reinhart demonstrates that Israel's real aim in Lebanon is to establish the Litani River as its natural border. To realize this, it will first destroy Lebanon, then install a puppet regime and, finally, annex southern Lebanon.

the whole article>>>


Anonymous said...

What is it about our country? Since the pharoahs and the roman empire until now...what draws them in? why is our nation the interest of all much larger and more important international nations out there? Why are we on the UN agenda almost every week? can what happens in Lebanon really affect the larger international community? At first I was proud to come from a natio so small yet so internationally influetial, but now i wish we were just some insignificant least we'd be left alone to expand our minds, economy, education, welfare, etc. etc. etc.
Keep up the good work with this really know how to track down significant articles...

Lebanese said...

hey tarek thanks for commenting
you are so right
and i am feeling exactly the same
i wish we r an insignificant island with no borders... that is too late... geographically it is kinda impossible unless God makes a massive earthquake after getting fed up with the annoyance we generate and breaks earth and we become free island in the middle of nowhere ...
hehhe ... just trying to laugh through a very sad time and very depressing moments in our history ...