Tuesday, September 05, 2006

did u ever see bin laden as hitler?

Bush compares Bin Laden to Hitler
President George W Bush has compared Osama Bin Laden to Lenin and Hitler in a speech to US military officers.

to read article>>>

President Bush (31 Aug)

well i decided to gooogle images and wrote bush hitler so i got :
Results 1 - 18 of about 3,750 for bush hitler. (0.17 seconds)

some of the pics are:

when i googled the images for bin laden hitler i got:
Results 1 - 18 of about 109 for bin laden hitler. (0.14 seconds)

and some of those pics were :

ok western people and western friends and none muslims people...or muslim people , label yourself the way u want all of you , i am not sympathising with bin lay-den or bush person
but i think my little google session tonight was fun!


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